Jan 19, 2025





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The FTA provides trace data sets using a common format. This format is described in detail on the FTA format page. Each trace data set is made available in raw format, tabbed-delimited format, and mysql format.

A table summarizing each trace data set follows. Also included are links for the data set downloads.

SystemType# of NodesTarget ComponentPeriodYear
SETI@homeDesktop Grid226,208CPU1.5 years2007-2009
OvernetP2P3,000host2 weeks2003
MicrosoftDesktop51,663host35 days1999
LANLSMP, HPC Clusters4750host9 years1996-2005
HPC2HPC Clusters256IO2.5 years1996-2005
HPC4Supercomputers152516every thing~1 year2004-2006
PNNLHPC Cluster980host, network4 years2003-2007
NERSCHPC ClustersNAIO5 years2001-2006
SkypeP2P4000host1 month2005
Web sitesWeb servers129host8 months2001-2002
DNSDNS servers62,201host2 weeks2004
PlanetLabP2P200-400host1.5 year2004-2005
Grenouille03DSL4800host1 year2003
Grenouille05DSL4800host1 year2005
EGEEGrid2500 queuesCE queue1 month2007
Grid'5000Grid1288host1.5 years2005-2006
Notre DameDesktop Grid700CPU, host6 months2007
ucb94Desktop Grid85CPU46 days1994
sdsc03Desktop Grid275CPU1 month2003
lri05Desktop Grid40CPU1 month2005
deug05Desktop Grid40CPU1 month2005
cae06Grid686host35 days2006
cs06Grid725host35 days2006
glow06Grid715host33 days2006
teragrid06Grid1001host8 months2006-2007
Docking@homeDesktop Grid287,212host8 years2006-2014

If you use these traces, please cite the original creator of the trace shown above, and this archive. Also, the list of publications which have used the data sets are available on the Publications page.

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