Jul 27, 2024





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  • 26/11/2010: GridSim simulator with ability to simulate resource failures based on the FTA format is released.
  • 19/10/2010: 4 new data sets (Condor-cae Condor-cs, Condor-glow, and Teragrid) have been added. Many thanks to the Condor and Teragrid teams for making the data sets available, and Mathieu Gallet for parsing the data sets!
  • 27/05/2010: Air conditioning unit failed, but FTA server was brought up again.
  • 16/12/2009: SETI@home data in mysql format released.
  • 09/12/2009: New desktop grid data sets added and new FTA toolbox released.
  • 19/11/2009: New data sets added and new FTA toolbox released.
  • 29/9/2009: New disk installed on data server. The archive will be down on Sept 29 for disk maintenance.
  • 24/9/2009: The poster presentation of Failure Trace Archive is given at MASCOTS 2009.
  • 25/8/2009: The flyer of the Failure Trace Archive is released at Euro-Par 2009.
  • 24/7/2009: The alpha version of Failure Trace Archive is released.
  • 23/7/2009: The Download page is updated.
  • 22/7/2009: The Failure Trace Archive will be launched very soon.

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