Feb 16, 2025





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You can download individual data sets below:

SETI@home 1D. Anderson(ja_ko_mascots09)raw tabbed mysql
OvernetR. Bhagwan(iptps_bhagwan)raw tabbed mysql
MicrosoftJ. Douceur(farsite)raw tabbed mysql
LANLLANL team(gibson_dsn06)raw tabbed mysql
HPC2LANL team(gibson_fast07)raw [ tabbed] [mysql]
HPC4J. Stearley(oliner_dsn07)raw [ tabbed] [mysql]
PNNLPNNL team(pnnl_08)raw tabbed mysql
NERSCA. Mokhtarani(nersc_08)raw [ tabbed] [mysql]
SkypeS. Guha(guha_iptps06)raw tabbed mysql
Web sitesM. Bakkaloglu(bakk_02)raw tabbed mysql
DNSJ. Pang(pang_icm04)raw tabbed mysql
PlanetLabJ. Stribling(planetlab)raw tabbed mysql
Grenouille03Georges Da Costa(costa_grenouille)raw [ tabbed] [mysql]
Grenouille05Georges Da Costa(costa_grenouille)raw [ tabbed] [mysql]
EGEEMarios Dikaiakos(marios_failrank)raw [ tabbed] [mysql]
Grid'5000Grid'5000 team(g5k_grid07)raw tabbed mysql
Notre Dame 2Brent Rood(rood_grid07)raw tabbed mysql
Notre Dame 3Brent Rood(rood_grid07)raw tabbed mysql
ucb94Amin Vahdat(arpaci_sigmetrics)raw tabbed mysql
sdsc03Derrick Kondo(stedi_ipdps04)raw tabbed mysql
deug05Derrick Kondo(kondo_fgcs07)raw tabbed mysql
lri05Derrick Kondo(kondo_fgcs07)raw tabbed mysql
Condor-caeCondor team(nezih_grid10)raw tabbed mysql
Condor-csCondor team(nezih_grid10)raw tabbed mysql
Condor-glowCondor team(nezih_grid10)raw tabbed mysql
TeragridTeragrid team(nezih_grid10)raw tabbed mysql
Docking@HomeM. Taufer(taufer_sc12)raw tabbed mysql
1 The tabbed data is post-processed of the raw data in which the 150 seconds unavailability intervals after 5-day availability intervals have been removed. See {ja_ko_mascots09} for more details.

2 This is the CPU availability version.

3 This is the host availability version which is according to the multi-state availability model of Brent Rood .


Please cite the following work to acknowledge use of the Failure Trace Archive:

This paper gives an overview of the archive and the trace data sets.

Using mysql dumps

To use the mysql dumps, you must first create a mysql database. (It's up to you to create a database for each data set or one for all data sets.) The schema is defined in fta.src.

To instantiate the database, run the command:

mysql [db] < fta.sql

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